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The end and the beginning of the year I spent at my sisters place. The countryside is so cozy and everything was so white and I had an amazing new years eve so I can't say anything but it was all great.
January started well but ended with me wanting to kill a few people. Me and my sister also decided to go on a trip and it ended up being Senegal, of all the countries in the world.
R.i.P Min fina lilla pojke är borta nu, men han är ängel <3
(I'm sorry about the size. I know it's freaking annoying when the pics are different sizes) 
I was going out to my rabbit and taking him for a walk in the snow. He was a freak of snow. He adored snow more than anything else. He was gone. My little angel was died. His name was Pyzen and he was so adoreable. When he got scared he did this weird noise and leaned his head against my shoulder and he loved to chew my hair. I miss my little boy soo much!
Who said u weren't lonley back then? kludda lite i Photoshop med en bild som togs 2a dagen med min nuvarande kamera. Wehe. Slänger upp originalet med c:
8th of february arrived with more snow and I replaced the 3 of my age with a 4. I turned 14 with other words. I got an airplaneticket, 2000SEK, 55$ and 140€. Man I've never felt that rich before. Or. . a cup of christmases back I got 5000SEK. (to buy a camera) and I felt kind of rich holding the money in my hand.
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In Senegal we went for a fieldtrip to Mbour. We lived in the coziest place ever! "Village Petite Eden" We lived in little huts with pink beds with mosquitonet over them and showered in cold water and mostely had no electricity so it was freaking hot since the AC needs el. But it was really nice to go o a beach and bath in a pool. When me and my sister were there we lived in Dakar with her friend in a tiny appartment so it was really nice to go on that fieldtrip for three days :)
AND I realised how optimistic Senegalese people were. All they would say was "C'est pas grave" = "No problem". Just like "Hakuna Matata" at home. Haha!
Nån Sån Fail Sak. nu åker jag iallafall till Borås & Simon. Imorgon åker vi till fjällen. Man kan ju undra hur offpiståkning i April är? Grenig & Stenig maybe?
I made this little cute picture of myself as a fairy. "Mama lied to be about the toothfairy" is the name of it. Haha! And I made the braids in Senegal. Miss having that long hair!
<font size="6" face="georgia" color="#99CCFF"><i>Fel Från Början</i></font> <div><i>Woups. . . Flipp'en blev inte så bra ;)</i></div> <div><i><br /></i></div> <div><i>Kluddar lite på vemdalenbilder och har asont i magen &lt;3&nbsp;</i></div> <div><i>Och på Fredag kommer Bells över för twilightmarathon, kakbak &amp; fotografering. Det kan jag behöva.</i></div>
I went to Vemdalen as every other year. Though this time I went there for easter break and not sportsholiday. We had 20' at midday and I was pretty much living my life until the day I pretended to be a skistar and I hurt myself very bad. I had problems with my back months after. . . The slopes pretty much moguls at the end of the day and I had a downhillrace with Simon and my ski got kinda stuck and the ski didn't "unleash" or whatever you call it in english and what I pretty much remember is opening my eyes in a sea of pain and there was some kind of people gathering 10 meters up the hill. Simon and André totally bullied me for the rest of the vacation.
Blossom Jag tycker bilden var gullig.
Spring arrived with blossoms and dresswearing and running over fields with my camera. Heavenly.
The house by the lake Mysigt värre! Dock är mitt zoom apdåligt. Men ska nog hitta gången till detdär lilla huset någon dag. Så ska det bli mitt smultronställe! Kan nästan slå vad om att det är otroligt vackert att sitta där & se ut över ån :)
I found this little place zooming in with my camera. It's by the river and the nightsun shines perfectly there. Who knows. Maybe that is the nowhere I've been looking so desperately for? I have to go there some day. It's in bushes so it will be hard to get there but I can do it. Who knows. . . maybe it was a little romantic place for hopeless teenagers back in the 20's? All I can imagine is pretty little rich girls sittin there with their woodworker as summerlover . . and that place used to be a mini-village back in the beginning of 1900. Dad grew up there in the 30's. And his parents lived there.
Uhh ? Egobildbomb man man känna lite, Men så ser håret ut krulligt :>
In the last day of may I cut off my long hair. I was happy the first days until I realized my hair was gone and I became sorta suicidal.
A little something. Jag hittade min stativgänga (som varit borta typ ett halvår) idag och tog därmed lite egobilder. Hm. . .eller ok. EN bild. HAHAA. Haircut <3
By the middle of June I realized how awesome my hair looks. I got intressted in fashions and I became my own home-model. This picture is my profilepic atm. Haha!
CRAZZYYY CHICKS!  Madness. D Måste påstå, jäklar vad heta vi är. bilder från skolavslutningen, som var pretty random. Haha! Detvar synd om mig den dagen. Min klänning, som jag har sytt själv. Den jag har på bilden. Den gick sönder. Så fick gå runt med jacka hela tiden. Great.
What you see there is my very best friends. School was out. We got the chance to be wild and free! And I made my dress myself. Ha!
@Emmi-w M. F-yes. Jag gillar svartvit en hel del och Emilia massor. Puss ♥
I had a photoshop with my favorite Emilia on the countryside in the Juneheat. She's so gorgeous. Love you Emmi. Don't forget. You're gooorgeous!
I'm not  a monster, I belive. Jag gillar bilden. Nu låter jagväl asmobbad, men jag gillar den. Det blev ett lite failat självporträtt. hehe. Jag kom inte med, och det var ju tanken egentligen. Men detta blev toppen det med! http://fatimaplace.comJuly came like a storm and I had my first paid photojob. 1000 SEK happier ;) And I took this picture after the photoshoot because I stayed by the falls and had some fun with my camera.
©Simon. Åsså en bild Simon tog på mig samma kväll som min kamera gick paj i typ en stund. Höhö. Lite ironiskt. Nä men jag fick tre sandkorn i avtryckaren så avtryckaren låste sig till hälften :( Sen fixade superFatima det igen. Woh!  Nu mår hon bra igen ♥
July also had a holiday to bring. Went to Denmark with my sisters family and another family. We lived in a great house with indoor pool and the landscape was amazing and atleast some days we had really fun. Haha! Mostly we had 12+ and rain in the middle of the summer (welcome to scandinavia. . . ) Although we were in south Denmark.. . guess we weren't any lucky. 
(Simon is the photographer of this pic and I'm the happy fellar in it)
<font size="6"><font face="georgia" color="#333399"><b><i>Dancin'</i></b></font>&nbsp;</font> <div>Karro å Emmie dansade så fint, det e liksom sånt dom gör. På Lördag blire tillbaka till 50talet, lära sig att dansa och halv åtta hos mig at Karro's place. . vi har kommit på att nästa femtiotal, (eller jag har) då kommer alla stå stilla och de kommer ha elektriska kjolar som svänger av sig själv :)&nbsp;</div> <div><a href=
August it was back to school and my retarded friends who were dancing by the lockers because they were so happy over the fact that it was back to school. Oyes. .
<font size="6" face="georgia" color="#003300"><b><i>Chans.</i></b></font> <div>Ja tycker att det är dåligt att man inte kan göra ord till länkar. *ninjaface*</div> <div>Uh. . &nbsp;. jag laddar upp saker å ting här ganska sällan men för er info har det störtat ner regn varenda pissdag, så nu vet ni varför och idag idag idag idag kommer Mami hem! Vid detta laget bör hennes plan ha gjort en touchdown i Kastrup, but yeah . . . man vet aldrig hur jäkla försenade dessa plan kan vara ibland. Hoppas i varje fall på att hon är hemma när jag kommer hem ;o inte träffat lilla mami på 1 månad!</div> <div><a href=
September. Everything went foggy and dark and cold and boring and all the homeworks started. That was very depressing. September is the month when summer is officially over.
<font size="6" face="georgia" color="#FFCC00"><b><i>A wild soul.</i></b></font> <div>Denna hamnar i kategorin "Årets bild" mest bara föratt. . . jag gillar denna liksom. Nej. Jag älskar. Det är Lisa som agerar modell, boyea! Jag är så avis på hennes hår, för eran carebox. Sen har jag fallit och ajsatan det gjorde ont men ögongodiset är det inget fel på. Det är så mycket som har hänt, men va böring att läsa om mitt orienteringsprov, fisykprov, kväljningar på sexualkunskapen. Nej. Läs en bok istället fördetta, hejdå.</div> <div><a href=
I photographed with some girls from my class and I got this picture of Lisa. It got to be the best picture of the year and it sure is a big favorite of mine. This was one of the last warm days in September.
<font size="6" face="georgia"><b>Please.</b></font> <div>Hello. Don't judge. Jag kunde &nbsp;inte klona bort tishan och tishashopskylten för jag har "redigerat" bilden i Picnik. Förutom det så har jag det rätt så gött här nere i Trogir och om fem dagar ska jag hem. (bingo!) Det bingiga med det är självklart att jag ska flyga igen. Hoho! Flygresan ner hit var fett smooth och jag såg ett A380 i Frankfurt! oh. Jag trodde jag skulle dö. Visserligen var det inte så stort som jag hade föreställt mig men jag såg inte hela. Jag taxade förbi den i rättså hög hastighet. Men det är defenitivt ett av mina top 5 livs bästa stunder! &nbsp;<br /></div>
Well now it's december and I'm here. In my summerhouse in Trogir, Croatia. December was. . .starting this blog. Colouring my hair red, buying 3 pair of shoes and seeing an Airbus A380 with my own eyes. And I've been having a fight with my mind if I should stay at frenchclass or just quit. I talked to the college counselor and realized I need the points for university later. The more points the better future so I'll just keep suffering a year and a half.

And now we're just replacing the last 1 in 2011 with 2 so we get 2012. Our lives aren't going to be brand new as everyone seem to think. Just the same old kliché. With a new year comes new opputunities, yes. But it doesn't change your identity to change a number in the calender.


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