Blue. Blue as turqoise, blue as the sky, blue as the ocean or blue as ice. There's so many kind of blue and I love them all! Turqoise and Navy gets first place though . . . and you know what looks freaking great with blue? Red hair. I'll go all for blue+red and green+orange this summer. I think I might make a whole collection out of only Palmtree-colours. I got the idea from staring at a palmtree by the ocean. (It sounds like I'm at a exotic and hot place, I'm having 8+ down here. And I'm in Croatia). Well I think Palmtrees are the most fashionable trees on our earth. The green leaves with the orange . . .stuff hanging down. Perfect.
What are you going to wear this summer :D?
(And don't say white shirt, black jeans and a silver choker because that style is so d-e-a-d)
(And don't say white shirt, black jeans and a silver choker because that style is so d-e-a-d)