Im really sorry but today I dont have any pictures to offer, Im still trying to figure this keyboard out. Ive atleaste changed from Croatian keyboard to English but its not making any more sense actually . . . I just want to have internet on my own laptop with swedish keyboard but no . . . lets just forget about that because I cant install the driver. Today is christmas eve. . . as yall probably know so I shouldnt have to inform you about that and well. . . Daddys sleeping, Anna is at Kornelijas place and Im here, by the computer as every other chrismas eves the last five years. Hallelujah!
I also just have to tell you this . . .IVE SEEN AN A380 WITH MY OW FRIKKIN EYES! I SAT ON THE PLANE, WE WERE STANDING IN LINE TO TAKEOFF AND THERE IT WAS. . . THE BIRD OF ALL BIRDS. AHHH . . . I couldnt belive my own eyes, at first I was like ''wow dude, that plane looks retarded...'' and then it hit me! Ofcourse it didnt look retarded! Such a beautiful bird. . . my dear lord I was happy as I dont know what at that moment. Totally the moment of the year.