Those million things you love & hate about me.

There's all these funny things about us. Or not so funny things. And there's just things, so here we go. 10 things you didn't know about me.
1. I have a fetish for cooking soup, not so for eating it, but cooking soup is like the funniest thing ever because you can put whatever you want in it!
2. I am Swedish/Kenyan as ya'll know. Although, my lastname comes from Germany and my mother is a mix of Omen & Masai & Kiswahili, that kind of makes me Scandinavian, German, Arabic and African. Mixrace, huh?
3. If I go to town with 1000:- I come back with 1100:- less.
4. When I was about 10-12 I was both a complete emo and and a complete "fjortis".
5. I'm an optimistic pessimist. LOL. I see everything from the darkside and I keep convincing myself to see it from a brighter side.
6. I love to work in the garden! (got that from mami..huh)
7. I can clean and cook and it happens once a year that I do it. I bet it's a talent since I never practice it. Haha! Mamma is planning on marrying me away to prince Alwaleed of Saudi since he is a soontobe owner of A380.
8. I am JUUUSSST like my mother. She says I'm like my father but they are pretty much the same.
9. I don't belive in democracy. Not at all.
10. I have lazy eye. Both me, mum and my brother has it. That's why I often look down in photos. I have a minor one though, my brother has done surgery 3 times for it, Mine isn't very severe, you can barley notice in reality but in photos you can.
I WANT TO KNOW MY READERS. WHO ARE YOU? WHERE DO YOU LIVE? HOW OLD ARE YOU?. Haha. ASL(that'ssoopeddobear). Jokes thou, tell me something about you. Ofcourse I'll visit your blog and see if it's amazing. . . ;)

Postat av: Amanda

Jag har en thingy för fina klänningar och om jag hade modet (och klänningarna) skulle jag gå i klänningar med kragar dagarna i ända. Dock har jag en, och jag är en feg mf.

Jag älskar te. Jag tycker att franska är det finaste som finns. Jag dansar. jag sitter nästan alltid med benen i kors (t.o.m. vid matbordet) jag är beroende av min iphone. Jag älskarälskarälskar att gå på konserter. Jag vill vara superbra på något, men är halvbra på det mesta då jag inte orkar lägga ner mycket tid på något. Jag blir lätt kär. Fast jag vet inte om det är kärlek, mer kär i kärleken och känslan tror jag. Och jag har svårt att lita på folk och verkligen säga vad jag tycker.

Kanske mer än tio saker men jag rabblade upp onödiga fakta jag kom på ;)

PUSS fin blogg!

2012-05-03 @ 21:13:28

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