Dude I just want icecream and a great movie, it is really all I want at this moment. Instead I'm infront of the computer, listening to "Sunday bloody sunday" on a fridaynight. Something about this feels pathetic. Just to make my friday a lot more better my tv doesn't work and my internet is way to slow to stream. I didn't make it to last class in school today and it feels like I'm going down. The airplane is stalling, now it just requries one hekk of a good pilot and you know what I am? I am one hekk of a good pilot so I'm gonna steer this up and climb.
Postat av: Vendela & Elin
åh så snyggt!!
Postat av: Leah
You have such awesome style for a fourteen year old its crazy!! I love this outfit a lot <3
Postat av: judith
oh jäklar vad snyggt!
Postat av: Catja - Fashion Distraction
Du är så sjukt snygg! jisses.